About Us
Mine Technology Services (MTS) is a UK-based company providing the African mining industry with product, skills, service, auditing and training packages tailored for mining mobile equipment. With operations based in Botswana (Sepia Solutions), we are Africa’s only dedicated provider of mining machine remote-control systems, proximity detection systems, and machine data and management systems.
MTS’s solutions incorporate leading technology with an outstanding level of industry knowledge, customer support and service.
We have distribution agreements with companies who are regarded as the leading manufacturers in their field.
Our Team

Steve Empson
With over 30 years of industrial and mining machine experience, Steve is based in the UK, but carries out the installations and technical training, product design and project planning in locations worldwide.

Amara Holliman
Amara joined the team as Operations Coordinator for sales, projects, manufacturing, purchasing and editor for the website and ecommerce operations.

Caroline Lindstrom
Caroline is our writing and document manager with many years of writing and editing for commercial publications worldwide

Andy Liddicott
General Manager
Based in the UK Andy provides MTS Logistic support and has 30 years of working in a Logistic and training enviroment.

Jo Sellers
Jo has been with MTS for 4 years and has been instrumental in business development including e-commerce capabilities and providing HR services.
Mine Technology Services Ltd is registered in England and Wales:
Company Number 8668956
VAT Number GB 193 3563 88